Tuesday, 23 August 2011

A vistit to Al Noor Orphanage - 20 August 2011

Amiena, the founder of the orphanage took Group 7 on a tour of the facility on Saturday morning.   They have a vegetable garden which is housed in tunnels.  They have girls and boys domitories and a common eating area.  Some of the children were quite shy. The community teaches the children how to make bags, placemats  and other crafts.  You can see some of their crafts are displayed in glass cabinets.  The crafts that are made by the children and the vegetables they grow in the tunnels are sold to earn an income

Monday, 22 August 2011

Welcome Percy to the right blog

We are still experiencing some scope creep but at least we have a functioning blog.... For all queries please hold the blog for the next available group member......